Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Washington & $10 Million Dollars For Cyber Crime

“Cyber-Security Enhancement Act of 2007″ was passed Monday. It provides the funds to the Secret Service to fight credit card fraud, along with the Justice Department and FBI.

In my opinion lawmakers need to open their eyes & take a look around at some of the spy software applications that anybody can download & install on any computer.

Once a keylogger type spy software application is on a computer, any credit card numbers, bank passwords, personal & business information can all be recorded and mis-used by the bad guys. It's no wonder Identity theft is the number one crime in America today...

It looks to me like we are really responsible for our own privacy protection, because with spy software & keylogger applications a dime a dozen, any eight year old with half a brain can get their hands on this stuff, install it and watch everything happening on that computer.

So how easy is it for someone who WANTS TO STEAL FROM US to put a keylogger or spy software product on our computers???


I just checked again and found over a million keylogger & spy software downloads just over the last few months. Hey that's just one download site... What about all the others?

I'm not trying to scare anyone... or maybe I am... At any rate I don't think Uncle Sam will have a lot of answers for us any time soon.

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